

Transmission May 8, 2024
Magic rites in the lore of economics May 7, 2024
Aesthetics as holistic systems analysis May 6, 2024
Boundaries and agents May 5, 2024
On dexterity May 4, 2024
A primer on auto-discourse May 3, 2024
Everyone is not the same May 2, 2024
Pragmatic information theory May 1, 2024
An overflowing of difference April 30, 2024
Cycling in a tiered world April 29, 2024
The will of the playground April 28, 2024
Detective epistemology and science fiction ontology April 27, 2024
The tower April 26, 2024
The translator April 25, 2024
Taste test April 24, 2024
On aliveness, pt 3: Ecological axes April 23, 2024
From the opus operatum to the modus operandi: habitus, a primer April 22, 2024
Free is easy, cheap is hard April 21, 2024
Notes on Pride & Prejudice April 20, 2024
Cycles of knowledge April 19, 2024
Untitled piece on discursive warfare in the history of computing (or: the piece before the piece titled “Whitewashing the MIT death machine”) April 18, 2024
Frames (strategic advantages in slanted information states, pt. 2) April 17, 2024
Sense & Sensibility April 16, 2024
On aliveness, pt 2: To make oneself a rock April 15, 2024
How do you shit? April 14, 2024
Creatine doesn’t grow from the meadow and heather, but cows sure do April 13, 2024
Driving in Dakar April 12, 2024
Notes from a Rabelais reading group April 11, 2024
The (post)rat king: the rigorizing analytic vs the sensitive sharp April 10, 2024
Maps in hunting knowledge transfer April 9, 2024
Anti-structures April 8, 2024
Knowledge is not a lattice April 7, 2024
On aliveness, pt 1 April 6, 2024
Organisms might like reproducing, but genes sure yearn to die April 5, 2024
Re: Bravo April 4, 2024
“Bravo, Bravo, (fucking) Bravo!”: The art of the limited hangout (Conspiracy and narrative, pt 3) April 3, 2024
The biggest little guy April 2, 2024
Samuel Paredes, director of DIARIES (notes and sketches) April 1, 2024
I scream, you scream, we still underrate indexicality March 31, 2024
‘Do You See What I See?’: the conjunction fallacy & latent incentive structures in experimental settings March 30, 2024
Adversarial asymmetry March 29, 2024
Intergenerational knowledge transfer in hunting March 28, 2024
The ecological perspective March 27, 2024
The conjunction fallacy & Grice March 26, 2024
KataGo and The Hook March 25, 2024
Strategic advantages in slanted information states March 24, 2024
Still against automaticity March 23, 2024
Monty Hall as investigative journalism March 22, 2024
Vulgarity & capital March 21, 2024
An economy of consciousness March 20, 2024
Things that exist March 19, 2024
The principle of normative inversion March 18, 2024
What is an agent? March 17, 2024
Erving Goffman, ecologist March 16, 2024
The Mongolian meta March 15, 2024
Starting, stopping, or continuing a search for truth March 14, 2024
Grave architectures (Conspiracy and narrative, pt 2) March 13, 2024
The end of a detective story March 12, 2024
Detective fiction as an Enlightenment project March 11, 2024
Jacked up dollar bills March 10, 2024
Writer as detective March 9, 2024
Dependency networks March 8, 2024
The prana body, the zoomies, and trying to pin the mystic in place March 7, 2024
Conspiracy and narrative, pt 1 March 6, 2024
Collin’s Razor: Look at the biggest and smallest results March 5, 2024
Analyzing agent strategies for insights into systems March 4, 2024
Scavenging for cognitive toolkits March 3, 2024
Lightness March 2, 2024
Rigorizing plumbers March 1, 2024
Lights on February 29, 2024
Lights off October 1, 2022
Not all heroes wear capes September 29, 2022
Water September 28, 2022
The IQ around you September 27, 2022
Ghorbani on S. Roszak September 26, 2022
Lethal theory 2 September 25, 2022
Bombing as communication September 24, 2022
Lethal theory September 23, 2022
Fall ’22 TISiesta September 11, 2022
Grammatical fictions September 10, 2022
Ontology porn September 9, 2022
The atrophy of cultural selves September 8, 2022
Everyday strategy September 7, 2022
Opticracy, experientially September 6, 2022
Thomas Running September 5, 2022
Self-driving Leviathan September 4, 2022
There’s a trick to it September 3, 2022
Frame metaphors: Games, ecology, and organization September 2, 2022
Stigmergy in the generalized reading frame September 1, 2022
Openings August 31, 2022
Ideas are not objects August 30, 2022
Expressive indeterminacy and empowerment August 29, 2022
Player wimping August 28, 2022
Implication vs insinuation August 27, 2022
Social modalities August 26, 2022
Substitute or compliment August 25, 2022
Notes on the NBA finals August 24, 2022
Seedsmen against eugenics (a draft) August 23, 2022
Downvoting into the void August 22, 2022
A more honest way to argue for meanings of words August 21, 2022
Kettle logic August 20, 2022
Progress studies, pt 1 August 19, 2022
The Chomskyite and Wittgenstenian August 18, 2022
Ambiguous nonconformity August 17, 2022
Salvaging Austin August 16, 2022
The origins of art August 15, 2022
Agents August 14, 2022
Expressive conformity August 13, 2022
People care August 12, 2022
Signals and subtlety August 11, 2022
Knowledge is a skill August 10, 2022
Arguments from history, pt 1 August 9, 2022
How to answer a question August 8, 2022
Controller controversies August 7, 2022
Sow, so reap August 6, 2022
White Collar August 5, 2022
Drinking steel and zapping urushiol August 4, 2022
A problem of self-interpretation August 3, 2022
Conversational confirmations August 2, 2022
Concepts and circularity August 1, 2022
Bodies with organs July 31, 2022
Farmers July 30, 2022
Notes on Elwood & Baldwin July 29, 2022
Red Desert July 28, 2022
Divide by less July 27, 2022
Why artists return to nature July 26, 2022
“Wartime export”: Colorado potato beetle July 25, 2022
The physical implementation of the Liar’s Paradox is a buzzer July 24, 2022
Paradoxes come from reifying representations July 23, 2022
Don’t forget you’re contradicting, dear July 22, 2022
Legal language July 21, 2022
Drinking steel for self or others July 20, 2022
Wine in front of me July 19, 2022
“Weaponized” words are imbalanced decision rules July 18, 2022
Euphemism treadmills and “Communication finds a way” July 17, 2022
When a muskrat’s a fish July 16, 2022
Brains in your feet July 15, 2022
Glass July 14, 2022
Disavowed Desire leads to Abstracting Desires, capping your ability to get what you want July 13, 2022
Digitalization & reification July 12, 2022
A number is not an explanation July 11, 2022
Retroactive conceptualization July 10, 2022
PvP v PvE July 9, 2022
Categories as heuristics, pt 2 July 8, 2022
Teasers for the previous 100 posts July 7, 2022
100th post anniversary July 6, 2022
Bartleby, the illegible July 5, 2022
On the origins of my drive towards social analysis July 4, 2022
Zoom out and contextualize July 3, 2022
Flags July 2, 2022
LCD messaging July 1, 2022
The “point” of a mechanistic theory of self-deception June 30, 2022
Response to “Narrative Engineering” June 29, 2022
Memories are environmental indices June 28, 2022
Asymmetric justice June 27, 2022
Monotheism and the volcano June 26, 2022
Things which trend downwards June 25, 2022
Caught in the torque June 24, 2022
Honesty is the best policy June 23, 2022
Pragmatic truth-seeking leads to correspondences June 22, 2022
40 minute meetings June 21, 2022
Drinking steel June 20, 2022
Short-term v. long-term in selection games June 19, 2022
Boing! Or; utility is not a function June 18, 2022
Maui pool party June 17, 2022
Overwhelming legibility June 16, 2022
The world’s answering machine June 15, 2022
Five quick reminders about consciousness June 14, 2022
Ontological camouflage June 13, 2022
Incentives & degenerate play June 12, 2022
Goffman’s primary framework June 11, 2022
The bull case for AI music June 10, 2022
Torque policy June 9, 2022
Favors and fear June 8, 2022
So-called “showmanship” in science June 7, 2022
A cluster in salience space June 6, 2022
Clever chunking June 5, 2022
Bad dancing and bad writing June 4, 2022
Categories as heuristics June 3, 2022
Monograph or aether June 2, 2022
Empty frame June 1, 2022
You are a slave to the messages you look for May 31, 2022
Embodiment, verbalization, and ambiguity in social theory May 30, 2022
Sticky heuristics May 29, 2022
False dichotomy as filter and focus May 28, 2022
Showmanship in science May 27, 2022
Always wearing lingerie is banal May 26, 2022
Kingmakers May 25, 2022
Trust tells May 24, 2022
Value clarity 2.0 May 23, 2022
Spooky info May 22, 2022
Ecstatic demography May 21, 2022
An aspect of “manipulation” that not all communication has May 20, 2022
Self-response learning and ACiM May 19, 2022
Language and science May 18, 2022
Prestigious costumes & cargocult philosophy May 17, 2022
Board games are a social construct May 16, 2022
Thought sinks May 15, 2022
Consciousness is not strongly emergent May 14, 2022
Year of cotton May 13, 2022
Being incoherent is lindy May 12, 2022
Anti-inductivity is a limit case May 11, 2022
Brute association—or “babbling” May 10, 2022
The pfeilstorch May 9, 2022
Danny at the Grand Canyon May 8, 2022
Notes on Franke 2013: Game Theoretic Pragmatics May 7, 2022
On formless empiricism May 6, 2022
Near & far view in the inexact sciences May 5, 2022
Getting real May 4, 2022
Examples of themselves May 3, 2022
Tana French on the selection games of detective work May 2, 2022
A vocabulary primer to strategic interaction, pt 1 May 1, 2022
Non-literal communication April 30, 2022
Aligned incentive structures of potlucks April 29, 2022
Cargocult to William James April 28, 2022
Wireheading is a teleological misnomer April 27, 2022
Reply to “Heuristics That Almost Always Work” April 26, 2022
On metonyms April 25, 2022
Degenerate play April 24, 2022
Introspection vs extrospection, and psychoanalytic epistemics April 23, 2022
Will my uploaded brain whistle? April 22, 2022
Natural ontologies April 21, 2022
Girardean mimesis, Bourdieusean distinction April 20, 2022
Generalized hacking April 19, 2022
The signal democratization double-bind April 18, 2022
Boundaries protect information, too April 17, 2022
Taste, optics, and authenticity April 16, 2022
The limits of signal privilege April 15, 2022
Consciously strategizing in social interaction is a Chinese fingertrap April 14, 2022
Quick sketch of the strategic situation April 13, 2022
Eating dirt April 12, 2022
Excluded middle frames and when to doubt them April 11, 2022
Learning to manipulate April 10, 2022
The degree to which you are divided is the degree to which you are conquered April 9, 2022
Signal privilege vs representation privilege in introspection April 8, 2022
Optimization v. empowerment April 7, 2022
Thoughts on differentiation April 6, 2022
Reference on the fly April 5, 2022
How examples undermine GPT-4 April 4, 2022
Generalized reading for everybody April 3, 2022
Cat couplings are a way to construct and reinforce types April 2, 2022
Everything bottlenecks with appearances April 1, 2022
Coordinating with cups March 31, 2022
Gaming & entailment March 30, 2022
Catwoman leaving Batman for Jar Jar Binks because of his implied proficiency at oral sex as a cautionary tale for artificial general intelligence March 29, 2022


strategic interaction, games, communication, generalized reading, frames, ontology, literature, epistemology, anti-inductivity, meaning, pragmatism, ACiM, concepts, science, opticracy, examples, knowledge logistics, adversarial epistemology, legibility, coordination, ecology, information theory, language, detection, heuristics, selection games, alignment, Pierre Bourdieu, surrogation, degenerate play, difference, representation, stamp collecting, AI, distinction, ambiguity, deception, philosophy, frequency dependency, game theory, diet, mutual futures modeling, paradox, self-deception, empowerment, strategy, rigorizing pipeline, introspection, play, the inexact sciences, extrinsic-intrinsic, context, meta, torque policy, narrative, typification, conspiracy, sports, art, anti-inductive, boundaries, prediction, Ludwig Wittgenstein, football, bias, habitus, status, generalized compatibilism, Scott Alexander, categories, self-experimentation, superorganisms, truth, Thomas Schelling, decision rules, Erving Goffman, warfare, utility, Sigmund Freud, carnival, prestige, torque epistemology, long-termism, incentives, intuition, desire, behavioral economics, predator models, authenticity, aliveness, dance, functional pragmatism, statistics, cargocult, Jane Austen, pragmatics, reification, Paul Grice, intentionality, indeterminacy, memory, Danny at the Grand Canyon, incoherence, representational privilege, hacking, biology, rules, cycles, feedback, anti-structure, reference, drugs, association, evolution, strategic ignorance, strategic conceptualization, causality, mesa-optimization, sociology, indexicality, signaling, reasonableness, law of the excluded middle, value clarity, probability, environmental cognition, limited hangout, William James, information, creatine, C. S. Lewis, oscillation, fencing, zoom-out-and-contextualize, surrogates, literalism, WIFOM, Douglas Hofstadter, erisology, Sarah Perry, mixed-motive games, engineering, brute association, automaticity, optimization, performance, analytics, mini-games, metaphor, mafia, rationalism, formalization, folk knowledge, narrative defensibility, mimesis, reality television, positional semantics, Thomas Pynchon, conceptual engineering, cooperation, vocab, conformity, progress, mechanistic reasoning, legitimation, Daniel Kahneman, C. Thi Nguyen, Robert Hooke, hunting, normative inversion, evolutionary epistemology, short-termism, ecology of practice, abstraction, cybernetics, tipping, Gary Klein, stigmergy, George Lakoff, rationality, GPT-3, language models, friendship, consciousness, taste, academia, David Chapman, Eyal Weizman, complexity, fit, adaptation, lithification, competition, William Burroughs, John Nerst, dramatic realization, worldbuilding, Slime Mold Time Mold, unit of survival, Geoguessr, genetics, illegibility, matter, Nicholas Nassim Taleb, correspondence theory, agency, signal privilege, logic, psychoanalysis, basketball, Real Housewives, aesthetics, cultural capital, intellectual history, justifiability, microsociology, pragmatic ontology, philosophy of science, materials, autopoeisis, gamification, NLP, formless empiricism, Herman Melville, compression, ethology, symbiosis, conjunction fallacy, conceptualization, folklore, discursive warfare, pfeilstorch, muskrat, Survivorman, p-hacking, Voltaire, thought sinks, codes, addiction, value made explicit, variance, categories made for man, White Collar, legitimacy, United Fruit, mutual knowledge, Chinese finger trap, scurvy, fields, Wittgenstein, science fiction, disavowed desire, Redwall, progress studies, gossip, circus, seduction, Jan Assmann, social heuristics, subversion, asymmetric justice, built environment, Alex Boland, etiquette, organizational theory, legislation, babbling, symbolic capital, objectivity, Gregory Bateson, motivation, modularity, debt, Super Smash Bros, pointing, solution fads, social tech, selling out, machine learning, anti-lineagism, social capital, PIG optimality, contradiction, LessWrong, plants, ethnomethodology, S. Rashani, Gossip Girl, thermodynamics, prediction markets, Monica Vitti, Sam Fussell, Zvi Moshowitz, Thomas Kuhn, text generation, dreams, ethics, Bruno Latour, kingmaking, consciosness, fashion, fitness, OpenAI, The Elephant in the Brain, California, reputational capital, weirding, pragmatic meaning, teleological frame, instrumental truth, aversion, The Last Psychiatrist, inexact sciences, cultures of play, tacit knowledge, PvE, Hawaii, flags, implication, digitalization, behavorial economics, tis, Les Stroud, exuberance, postmodernism, Walt Whitman, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Paul Simon, Florida, Mikhail Bakhtin, Leonidas Donskis, nudge, alcohol, Nintil, performativity, Benjamín Labatut, Sarah Constantin, phenomenology, World War II, Michelangelo Antonioni, James Joyce, Jorge Luis Borges, reputation ledger, continuous vs discrete, ontological remodeling, AI safety but for insects, vulgarity, discovery, chaos, revolution, Catholicism, essentialism, euphemism treadmill, simulation, psychedelics, epistemic privilege, craft, strategic epistemology, Terry Prachett, PvP, Thomas Running, transactional analysis, cultural economy, cartography, map and territory, commitment, Torah, Charles Taylor, argument from history, eugenics, inference, blogosphere, justice, Jesus, cons, economics, conversation, John Cale, François Rabelais, order, auto-discourse, sharps, subsidy, class, identification, extrospection, positivism, conceptual analysis, law, Zachary Elwood, diversity, Brian Eno, Tana French, René Girard, institution-building, stagnation, novelty, pragmatic ontologies, technology, knowledge pipeline, Jukebox, fish, sondering, metonymy, psychiatry, economy of consciousness, dualism, gambling, exchange, organization, Malcolm Ocean, Miller's Law, defamiliarization, disruption, hyperbolic positioning, glass, rabelais, Amirism, Hunter S. Thompson, artificiality, AGI, conduit metaphor, interpretation, psychodynamics, epistemology complexity, frequency dependent selection, tractable habit, analogue vs digital, Literal Banana, community, prototype theory, Charles Babbage, signals, bees, Surfaces and Essences, principle-agent problem, yoga, narcissism of small differences, Chesterton's fence, Julian Jaynes, trust, marketing, perception, Anthony Wilden, manipulation, Rudolf Carnap, Luther Burbank, generalized writing, charisma, Alexander Technique, mad libs, courtship, Ezra Stiles, pseudolegibility, David Wootton, ethnomethods, trauma, religion, Bryan Caplan, common knowledge, animals, heterogeneity, categorization, proverbs, letter, drama, linguistics, conviviality, vibes, music, specialization, Toby Ord, credentialism, field-founding, surprisal, retcon, magic, Horn's division of pragmatic labor, conflict, Robin Hanson, history, credit web, game-theoretic pragmatics, narratology, shit, scarcity, communitas, tarot, social construction, Alain Robbe-Grillet, structure, David R. MacIver, free will, memorization, demography, words, hedonism, ritual, Richard Dawkins, self-interpretation, retroactive conceptualization, television, recursion, farming, cooking, animal husbandry, Eliezer Yudkowsky, identitarianism, J. Robert Oppenheimer, LCD messages, Don DeLillo, Peli Grietzer, good regulator theorem, multilateration, deceptive alignment, institutional theory, value, generalized hacking, principle of explosion, honesty, patterns, politics, IQ, Jacques Derrida, The Wire, Sadeq Hedayat, corn, nutrition, JL Austin, military history, capital, mimicry, Edith Wharton, splitting, Knobe effect, intellectual fascia, couples, Jacobo Arbenz, symbols, Romeo Stevens, post-rationalism, niche construction, structuralism, three-body problem, primary framework, teleology, Donald Trump, strategic forgetting, sense of normalcy, passivity, tail risk, Maciej Cegłowski, discourse, portrait of the artist, risk assessment, Joseph Henrich, insinuation, subculture, Marvin Minsky, breathwork, Euripides, telephone effect, spirit, exploitability, determinism, Plato, memetics, Vladimir Nabokov, environmental knowledge, conversations, lemon markets, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, pregnancy, subtlety, signaling theory, social reality, moral hazard, vibe, mood affiliation, school, etymology, ontologies, names, Dieter Rams, Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes, growth, modality, builds, Marcel Duchamp, social dynamics, Jacob Clifton, predictive processing, gophers, Zygmunt Bauman, expression, double bind, razors, lineagism, Karl Friston, recommendation, Monty Hall, taboo, Karen Horney, cluster structure in thingspace, entailment, heuristic stickiness, weaponized language, Franz Kafka, war, AI safety, least common denominator messaging, Flannery O’Connor, authority, autism, The Precipice, REBUS, water, poem, belief, Stephen Pinker, localism, mathematics, computing, chess, pseudo-legibility, Deleuze & Guattari, object-oriented ontology, alienation, Prashant Parkih, poetry, Hermann Göring, Stuart Russell,