
Quick sketch of the strategic situation

by Suspended Reason

Opticratics and ACiM are (descriptions of) parts of the same dynamic situation. Opticratics says: appearances always stand proxy for reality, in our judgments and assessments and decisions and theories. ACiM tacks on that communication is the creation of and alteration of appearances—that is, of the informational layer which an opticratic social world rests on.

The act of making guesses (inferences) about reality, based on information, is called reading.” The manufacturing and alteration of these inferences is called writing.” The larger read-write process is called communication.

Communication is a mixed strategy game between players ecologically huddled in an environment. Each player attempts to achieve goals through writing. Since the informational layer cannot alter physical reality directly, it must act on and via a manipulated agent—the reader.

In a strategy game, if a player can predict another player’s next move, he gains an advantage. The more adversarial a game is—that is, the more players’ goals are in conflict—the more it is in any given player’s interest to mislead other players, to hide his motives and patterns, or present a deceptive picture of reality.

Such games are anti-inductive: there is no player-independent, global (P.I.G) solution. Available information is priced in. Sicilian reasoning is required, and optimal (adversarial) play stays exactly one step ahead of one’s opponent.

Any created expectation that is leveraged (that is, used to improve the reader’s outcomes) leads him to commit” (prepare, and allocate finite resources) in the direction of that expectation. This subsidizes unexpected play, in adversarial games, and incentives mutual legibility, in cooperative games.

Athena is the goddess of control through wisdom—she is the deity of reading and writing, of inference, of the tactic and the heuristic. Fortuna is the goddess of upheaval via changing context: all heuristics, all tactics, are scoped to (optimized over) an expected distribution of realities. (Since the best move” is always contextual in a strategy game, any tactic is a good regulator: it is a model of what is likely to be the case.) When the Fortuna writes a different reality than a reader forecasted her to, his attempt at control is thwarted.

(This is why environmental stability is associated with strategic equilibria. Solutions, fitted to contexts, fall apart when contexts shift, and must be rediscovered.)